
Defining a new data with network structure

To create a new data with a network structure, it is required to define a derived class of sfa.base.Data class. In __init__ of the class, we need to create four objects.






2-dimensional numpy.ndarray for adjacency matrix.



NetworkX.DiGraph object.



dict for mapping name to index.



dict for mapping index to name.

The underscore _ of member name means the member is a protected member, which is defined not to be directly accessed (refer to this stackoverflow answer). Instead, the four members can be accessed through property. The underscored members (protected members) should be used only in the methods of the class such as __init__.

>>> obj._A  # We can access like this, but defined not to.
>>> obj.A  # Instead, access the member like this.

Now, let’s define a child class of sfa.base.Data for a simple 3-node cascade as a toy example.

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

import sfa

class ThreeNodeCascade(sfa.base.Data):
    def __init__(self):
        self._abbr = "TNC"  # Abbreviation for this data.
        self._name = "A simple three node cascade"  # Full name

        # Create name to index mapper and index to name mapper.
        self._n2i = {"A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2}  # Name to index
        self._i2n = {idx: name  for name, idx in self._n2i.items()}

        # Create Directed graph object of NetworkX.
        self._dg = nx.DiGraph()
        self._dg.add_edge('A', 'B', attr_dict={"sign": +1})
        self._dg.add_edge('B', 'C', attr_dict={"sign": +1})

        # Create adjacency matrix with signs.
        n = self._dg.number_of_nodes()
        self._A = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)

        for (src, tgt, attr) in self._dg.edges(data=True):
            isrc = self._n2i[src]
            itgt = self._n2i[tgt]
            sign = attr['attr_dict']['sign']
            self._A[itgt, isrc] = sign

    # end of def __init__
# end of def class

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = ThreeNodeCascade()

    algs = sfa.AlgorithmSet()
    alg = algs.create('SP') = data
    alg.params.apply_weight_norm = True

    n = data.A.shape[0]
    b = np.zeros((n,))  # Basal activity

    # Set node A to be activated
    # by assigning 1 to its basal activity.
    b[data.n2i['A']] = 1

    # Compute the activity at steady-state.
    x = alg.compute(b)

    print("[Activity at steady-state]")

The above code is very straightforward, if you are familiar with the functionalities of numpy and networkx packages. The following is the result of executing the code.

SP algorithm has been created.
[Activity at steady-state]
[0.5   0.25  0.125]

If you want to see both the name and its activity, use n2i or i2n.

>>> for i, act in enumerate(x):
...     print(data.i2n[i], act)
A 0.5
B 0.25
C 0.125
>>> idx = data.n2i['B']
>>> x[idx]

Now, it’s a little bit better to read.

For a large-scale network, it is almost impossible to write node names and their relationships one by one in the code. Thus, sfa provides some utility functions to create the data class.

If network structure information is defined in a text file such as SIF file, we can utilize sfa.read_sif function. sfa.read_sif reads the text file and returns A, n2i and dg objects that are required to define the data class.

Let’s go back to the toy example.

A   +   B
B   +   C

The network structure can be described in SIF format like the above.

import os
import sfa

class ThreeNodeCascade(sfa.base.Data):
    def __init__(self):
        self._abbr = "TNC"
        self._name = "A simple three node cascade"

        # Specify the file path for network file in SIF.
        dpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        fpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'network.sif')

        # Use read_sif function.
        A, n2i, dg = sfa.read_sif(fpath, as_nx=True)
        self._A = A
        self._n2i = n2i
        self._dg = dg
        self._i2n = {idx: name for name, idx in n2i.items()}
    # end of def __init__
# end of def class

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = ThreeNodeCascade()

    algs = sfa.AlgorithmSet()
    alg = algs.create('SP') = data
    alg.params.apply_weight_norm = True

    n = data.A.shape[0]
    b = np.zeros((n,))

    # Activate node B at this time.
    b[data.n2i['B']] = 1
    x = alg.compute(b)

    print("[Activity at steady-state]")
    for i, act in enumerate(x):
        print("[Node %s] %f"%(data.i2n[i], act))

In the above code, all you need to do is just putting the file path of network in sfa.read_sif. I recommend utilizing the above code snippet as a template for creating your own network structure data. The result of the above code is as follows.

SP algorithm has been created.
[Activity at steady-state]
[Node A] 0.000000
[Node B] 0.500000
[Node C] 0.250000

In this example, positive and negative signs of links are defined as + and -, respectively, in the file. However, if the sign or interaction information is defined differently, you can specify it with signs keyword argument of sfa.read_sif. For example, if a network file have activates and inhibits as the signs for positive and negative links, respectively, we can call sfa.read_sif function as follows.

>>> signs = {'activates':1, 'inhibits':-1}
>>> sfa.read_sif("network.sif", signs=signs, as_nx=True)
(array([[ 0,  0,  0],
        [ 1,  0,  0],
        [ 0, -1,  0]]),
 {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2},
 <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x2ce1503c7b8>)

If your network structure is defined in a different file format (not SIF), you should write some code lines for parsing the network strcuture data.

Defining a new data for validating algorithm

  • Describe how to define own datasets only with experimental data.

  • Explanation for the members of Data class for validation.